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Voilà près de 3 mois que le site à dû fermer ses portes pour cause de maintenance. C’est pour cette raison que j’écris cette news, pour vous donner des nouvelles et vous dire que je n’ai oublié personne. Le travail et le manque de temps sont à l’origine de l’allongement de la date de sortie. Malgré tout je vais m’avancer en annonçant que la première semaine d’Octobre le site sera en route. Ce n’est pas le nouveau design qui pose problème, mais l’ajustement des nouvelles règles, le nouveau moteur de combat et la correction des erreurs passées.

Bonne nouvelle, ChaOdisiaque va bientôt ouvrir ses portes et de nouveaux jeux verront le jour…

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P.S.: Toute aide ou intégration sont les bienvenues

[modifié le: 18-08-2007 11:28//par: Sharrinddlar]

N°13 / du 18-08-2007 11:26
de Sharrinddlar

Les Commentaires

De: Raymon
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The troubles have been described as both “sporadic” and “isolated” by the PSNI. They began shortly after 8.30pm and continued for several hours in places. Calm was restored at about 1.30am.

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A State Department official said it was the highest-level"official" meeting between U.S. and Iranian officials sincebefore the Iranian Islamic Revolution, although there had been"informal" interactions at the same level in the past 10 to 12years.

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Le 29-07-2020 8:52

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Scientists have long known that the main culprits in Alzheimer’s are two proteins that gunk up the brain: autopsy studies performed over a century ago showed plaques of sticky amyloid protein clogging the spaces between nerve cells, while tangles of twisted tau protein threads were destroying cells from within.

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Le 29-07-2020 8:42

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Le 29-07-2020 8:42

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But for Armstrong, suing USADA was a bumpy ride to a legal dead end. It may have made Armstrong’s advisers rich, but it is now a case study in what doesn’t work, a precedent students are already studying to find the limits of how far a wealthy athlete can go to create an alternative set of rules.

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Le 29-07-2020 8:40

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Le 29-07-2020 8:40

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Le 29-07-2020 8:36

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Le 29-07-2020 8:36

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Le 29-07-2020 8:28

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Le 29-07-2020 8:28

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Le 29-07-2020 8:17

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Le 29-07-2020 8:16

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If the Bombers’ season ends with no playoffs, there is always the spectacle of the New York-area hockey teams playing at the House That George Built to generate excitement. The Rangers and Devils will play on Jan. 26, and Rangers and Islanders will face off on Jan. 29. Try telling that to Yankee fans, however, who expect a title every year.

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Siciliano said she’s sure the cap was snatched by a heartless fan who had watched Rivera sign it for her son. The thief “had to see it belonged to a little kid,†Siciliano added. “I was really surprised. I never thought anybody was going to take it.â€ÂÂ

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Le 01-07-2020 20:53

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Le 01-07-2020 18:20

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Le 01-07-2020 18:20

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Le 01-07-2020 13:20

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Le 01-07-2020 12:09

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Le 01-07-2020 10:08

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Le 01-07-2020 8:32

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Le 01-07-2020 8:19

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De: Filiberto
Le 01-07-2020 7:47

A packet of envelopes daftporn Jeter instead had a “walk-up†song when he came to the plate in the first inning. The Stadium sound system blared a snippet of Eminem’s “Square Dance,†with the lyrics:“People! It feels so good to be back.†It was obviously a choreographed change.

De: Carroll
Le 01-07-2020 7:35

A financial advisor 777xporn In a statement provided by a spokesman for SAC, based in Stamford, Conn., the company said, "SAC has never encouraged, promoted or tolerated insider trading and takes its compliance and management obligations seriously. The handful of men who admit they broke the law does not reflect the honesty, integrity and character of the thousands of men and women who have worked at SAC over the past 21 years. We will continue to operate as we work through these matters."

De: Galen
Le 01-07-2020 7:27

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Le 01-07-2020 7:27

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De: Lindsay
Le 01-07-2020 7:14

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De: Phillip
Le 01-07-2020 7:14

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De: Hannah
Le 01-07-2020 6:52

How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? nudewomen Unemployment rate expected to go down because people give up looking. Isn’t that special! If that rate goes down the libs will celebrate while many give up on The American Dream! More Democratic “double speak”. “Great news, more people gave up, but the unemployment rate went down. Proves OBAMA’s policies work” they will say! And the steeple will believe!

De: Jarred
Le 01-07-2020 6:52

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De: Dorian
Le 01-07-2020 6:52

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De: Gerardo
Le 01-07-2020 6:45

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De: Jordan
Le 01-07-2020 6:45

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De: Steve
Le 01-07-2020 6:45

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De: Morton
Le 01-07-2020 6:45

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De: Gerardo
Le 01-07-2020 6:32

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Le 01-07-2020 6:32

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Le 01-07-2020 6:24

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Le 01-07-2020 6:24

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Le 01-07-2020 6:24

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Le 01-07-2020 6:01

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Le 01-07-2020 6:01

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Le 01-07-2020 5:48

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Le 01-07-2020 5:40

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Le 01-07-2020 5:40

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De: Thanh
Le 01-07-2020 5:28

A law firm extremetube Harris was last seen outside a Waikiki bar at 2:15 a.m. on May 16, and her body was found four days later, police said. A Facebook page set up by friends during her disappearance identifies her as a Las Vegas prostitute visiting Hawaii at the time of her death.

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Le 01-07-2020 5:28

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Le 01-07-2020 5:21

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Le 01-07-2020 5:07

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De: Randy
Le 01-07-2020 5:07

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Le 01-07-2020 4:58

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Le 01-07-2020 4:58

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De: Rudolph
Le 01-07-2020 4:46

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Le 01-07-2020 4:46

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Le 01-07-2020 4:46

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De: Gianna
Le 01-07-2020 4:39

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Le 01-07-2020 4:25

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Le 01-07-2020 4:18

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De: Brice
Le 01-07-2020 4:18

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Le 01-07-2020 3:43

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Le 01-07-2020 3:43

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De: Rocco
Le 01-07-2020 3:37

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Le 01-07-2020 3:22

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De: Barton
Le 01-07-2020 3:16

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De: Stuart
Le 01-07-2020 3:00

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Le 01-07-2020 2:54

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Le 01-07-2020 2:54

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Le 01-07-2020 2:54

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Le 01-07-2020 2:40

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Le 01-07-2020 2:40

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Le 01-07-2020 2:34

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Le 01-07-2020 2:34

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Le 01-07-2020 2:20

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De: Douglas
Le 01-07-2020 2:14

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Le 01-07-2020 1:57

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Le 01-07-2020 1:37

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Le 01-07-2020 1:13

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Le 01-07-2020 0:02

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Le 01-07-2020 0:02

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Le 30-06-2020 23:38

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De: Kendall
Le 30-06-2020 23:38

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De: Toney
Le 30-06-2020 23:38

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Le 30-06-2020 22:56

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Le 30-06-2020 22:34

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Le 30-06-2020 22:08

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Le 30-06-2020 21:45

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Le 30-06-2020 21:45

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Le 30-06-2020 21:22

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Le 30-06-2020 21:22

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Le 30-06-2020 20:58

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Le 30-06-2020 20:58

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Le 30-06-2020 20:58

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Le 30-06-2020 20:37

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Le 30-06-2020 20:13

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Le 30-06-2020 19:50

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Le 30-06-2020 19:50

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De: Cyril
Le 30-06-2020 19:29

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Le 30-06-2020 19:29

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De: Zachary
Le 30-06-2020 18:42

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Le 30-06-2020 18:20

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Le 30-06-2020 18:20

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Le 30-06-2020 18:20

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Le 30-06-2020 17:34

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De: Paige
Le 30-06-2020 17:34

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De: Roscoe
Le 30-06-2020 17:08

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Le 30-06-2020 17:08

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Le 30-06-2020 16:45

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De: Owen
Le 30-06-2020 16:21

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Le 30-06-2020 16:21

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Le 30-06-2020 15:56

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Le 30-06-2020 15:56

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De: Alexis
Le 30-06-2020 15:35

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De: Rafael
Le 30-06-2020 15:35

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Le 30-06-2020 15:11

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De: Lily
Le 30-06-2020 14:47

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De: Kendrick
Le 30-06-2020 13:59

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Le 30-06-2020 13:59

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Le 30-06-2020 13:36

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Le 30-06-2020 11:41

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Le 30-06-2020 11:41

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De: Miguel
Le 30-06-2020 10:28

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Le 30-06-2020 10:28

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